Mr. Thayer to Mr. Blaine.
The Hague, August 31, 1891. (Received September 11.)
Sir: I have the honor to state that on a recent occasion, while paying a visit to the Royal Museum at the Hague, I discovered three medals which, by reason of their relation to prominent events in our early history and other considerations hereafter alluded to, render it proper that I should bring them to the notice of the Department.
The first medal in the series referred to was designed to commemorate the recognition of American independence by the province of Friesland on the 26th of February, 1782, a description of which is as follows:
On the obverse side is a male figure personating a Frisian in ancient costume joining right hands with an American, represented by a maiden in aboriginal dress standing on a scepter with her left hand resting on a shield bearing the inscription “The United States of North America,” while with his left hand the Frisian signals his rejection of an olive branch offered by a Briton, represented by a maiden accompanied by a tiger, the left hand of the maiden resting on a shield having the inscription “Great Britain.” On the reverse side is the figure of an arm projecting from the clouds holding the coat of arms of the province of Friesland, under which is the inscription, “To the state of Friesland, in grateful recognition of the acts of the assemblies in February and April, 1782, by the Burghers’ Club, of Leeuwarden, liberty and zeal.”
The second medal in this series was struck off by order of the States General in commemoration of its recognition of the independence of the United States. On the obverse side of the medal will be found the United States and the Netherlands represented by two maidens equipped for war, with right hands joined over a burning altar. The Dutch maiden is placing an emblem of freedom on the head of the American, whose right foot, attached to a broken chain, rests on England, represented by a tiger. In the field of the medal are the words, “Libera Soror Solemni Deer Agn.” On the reverse side is the figure of a unicorn lying prostrate before a steep rock, against which he has broken his horn; over the figure are the words, “Tyrannis virtute repulsa,” and underneath the same the words, “sub Gallia auspicius.”
The third medal in the series was made to commemorate the treaty of commerce and navigation entered into between the United States and the Netherlands on the 7th of October, 1782. On its obverse side stands in relief a monumental needle bearing the Amsterdam coat of arms, upon which a wreath is being placed by a figure represents Mercury; underneath the coat of arms is a parchment bearing the inscription, “Pro. Dro. Mos.” [Page 730] France, symbolized by a crowing cock, stands beside the needle pointing with a conjurer’s wand to a horn of plenty and an anchor. Over all are the words, “Justitiam et non temmere divos.” On the reverse side is an image of Fame riding on a cloud and carrying the arms of the Netherlands and the United States, surmounted by a naval crown. The figures are covered by the following words: “Faustissimo fædere junctæ, die vii. Octob., MDCCLXXXII.”
It will be remembered that John Adams, while discharging his duties at Paris as commissioner in arranging a treaty of peace and commerce with Great Britain, was in the year 1780 appointed minister to the Netherlands; also, that political complications between Holland and England delayed his reception by the Government for more than two years after he first offered his credentials.
The States General, oppressed by the magnitude of the responsibility, refused to pass upon the question until it had been submitted to each of the provinces for individual action.
Friesland, impelled by the Germanic love of freedom which had long characterized its people, took the initiative in the movement for recognition, passing an act to that effect on the 26th of February, A. D. 1782. Soon thereafter the remaining provinces followed her example, and on the 19th of April, 1782, the States General, in deference to the wishes of the provinces, received Mr. Adams’s credentials.
It will also be Rome in mind that, while a Dutch man-of-war first saluted the American flag, Holland stands second in the roll of foreign nations which formally recognized our independence, and the second with whom we made a treaty of commerce and navigation.
The medals in question possess interest, in that they furnish the best evidence extant of the current of opinion and sentiment at that time in the Netherlands concerning England and the United States, and are moreover worthy of special mention, inasmuch as I do not find them referred to in Mr. Adams’s public correspondence or in any book published in our language.
Through the courtesy of the Government, I have been permitted to procure rive copies of each of these medals, and take pleasure in transmitting them to the Department through the United States dispatch agent at London. One set is designed for the Department of State, one for the New York Historical Society, one for the Massachusetts Historical Society, one for the Minnesota State Historical Society, and one for the Holland Society of New York.
There can be no more interesting or profitable study for the citizen of the United States than the process of reasoning which led to our separate national existence and the adoption of the present form of government, or the motives which influenced the people of other lands to welcome our advent into the family of nations.
I have, etc.,