Mr. Carr to Mr. Blaine.

No. 52.]

Sir: I telegraphed you to-day as follows:

Copenhagen, September 8, 1891.

Blaine, Secretary of State, Washington:

The minister of interior has to-day issued order removing restrictions on the importation of American pork. Hereafter all our pork hearing proper certificates of inspection will he admitted into Denmark.

Carr, Minister.

The order in relation to this important matter simply quotes the order of exclusion made in 1888 and declares it annulled as to all pork coming from the United States which bears evidence of inspection under our laws, unless it shall upon inspection after its arrival here appear to be unwholesome.

The minister of the interior issued the order while I was at the department, where I had gone especially to urge his excellency to do so, and was kind enough to say that he made the order in my presence as a personal compliment.

Now that this just concession has been made I can not too earnestly urge that care be taken to continue the most thorough inspection of our meats. Such a course will not only prevent a recurrence to the unjust exclusion so long existing, but will popularize our meats in Europe and add largely to the demand. A continuous, careful, rigid inspection of our meats for export will return to our dealers and producers far more than its cost.

I have, etc.,

Clark E. Carr.