Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine.


Mr. Egan reports that he has again solicited safe-conduct for the refugees in his legation, and had cited in his note to the minister for foreign affairs the case in which the Chilean minister for foreign affairs, in July, 1866, instructed the Chilean minister at Lima to insist upon the safe-conduct of refugees then in the several legations in that city. Those refugees were transported on board ships at Callao under the protection of the foreign ministers. Mr. Egan also cited the case of the approval of the Chilean delegates to the South American Congress held in Montevideo in December, 1888, of a resolution recognizing the right of asylum accompanied by the right of safe-conduct. The decree of September 14, Mr. Egan argues in his note, can not abrogate international usage repeatedly approved by the Chilean Republic, and applies only to persons within the powers of Chilean Government. According to precedent and as a logical consequence of the recognition of the right of asylum, Chilean Government should grant safe-conduct, which it is entirely at liberty to do. A favorable reply is hoped for.