Mr. Mizner to Mr. Blaine.

No. 147.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your telegraphic instructions of the 15th instant, forwarded by my colleague in Mexico.

I conferred at once with Señor Platon Roa, the acting chargé d’affaires of Mexico in this Republic, who informed me that he had no instructions whatever on the subject of any joint action with the United States looking to the peace of any of the Central American states.

The newly appointed minister of Mexico to Guatemala has not arrived. He was expected on the steamer now due, but I am informed that he is not aboard.

The object of your instructions, the peace of these states, having just been accomplished, as stated in my telegram of this date, I suppose further action thereunder may be suspended.

The extreme heat and fatigue of two journeys to Salvador has so prostrated me that I will have to ask your indulgence until next mail for the details of the peace referred to.

I have, etc.,

Lansing B. Mizner.