Mr. King to Mr. Blaine.

No. 64.]

Sir: The present situation of our schools in Turkey is satisfactory, all things considered. I would refer to my dispatch No. 276 of January 11, 1887, as containing the settlement of the school question, which has been the basis of all subsequent action in reference to American schools in Turkey.

As to the thirty schools mentioned as closed at that time which under the arrangement were to be reopened, just such difficulties arose as I predicted; but finally all the schools which the missionaries desired to reopen were reopened.

One of these, however, situated at Hamath, in Syria, was reclosed last summer. The Grand Vizier has been engaged in a tedious correspondence with the Vali about it, and so far the permission to reopen it has not been obtained. I find nothing in the reports which have come to me of an exceptional nature in this school and think that the permission will be obtained.

[Page 739]

Another mission school, not included in the thirty above spoken of, which had existed at Agantz, in the vllayet of Yan, since 1877, was closed in August, 1887, by the Vali. I obtained a few weeks ago from the Grand Vizier permission to reopen it.

I believe that iradés can be obtained for our larger and more important schools, especially if the present Grand Vizier remains in office; and have recently (December 12) written to Rev. H. O. Dwight, requesting him to consult with others here and in Boston upon the subject, and advising them to have the legation apply for an iradé for the Girls’ Home School in Scutari and then for others if that be obtained.

I have, etc.,

Pendleton King.