Mr. Wharton to Mr. Grip.

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a letter from the Acting Secretary of the Navy of the 2d instant, inviting you to be present, accompanied by the members of your legation and such consular officers of Sweden as you may designate, on the occasion of the ceremonies which are to take place at New York the 23d instant, preparatory to the embarkation of the remains of the late Capt. John Ericsson on board the United States steamer Baltimore for transportation to his native land, their final resting place.

Accept, etc.,

William F. Wharton,
Acting Secretary.
[Page 719]

Mr. Soley to Mr. Grip.

Sir: In response to an intimation conveyed in December last by the minister of foreign affairs of Sweden and Norway, through the United States minister at Stockholm, to the Department of State, the Navy Department has made arrangements to embark the remains of the late Capt. John Ericsson on board the U. S. S. Baltimore on the 23d instant, for transportation to his native country. It is a source of peculiar satisfaction to the Department that it should have the opportunity of paying a final tribute of respect to the memory of the illustrious Swedish inventor, whose greatest achievements in mechanical science are so closely associated with the history of the U. S. Navy.

I beg to express the hope that you will find it in your power to be present on the occasion, and will accompany the remains from the point of embarkation to the Baltimore, with such members of your legation and such officers of the consular service of Sweden in this country as you may designate.

I have, etc.,

J. R. Soley,
Acting Secretary of the Navy.