Mr. Adams to Mr. Blaine.

No. 36.]

Sir: I have the honor to forward herewith translations of the decrees of December 31, 1889, and January 7, 1890, both of importance, of the Provisional Government.

I have, etc.,

Robert Adams, Jr.
[Inclosure 1 in No. 36.—Translation.]

Decree creating two vice-presidents.

Marechal Manoel Deodoro da Fonseca, chief of the Provisional Government, constituted by the army and navy, in the name of the nation, decrees:

  • Article I. The offices of first and second vice-presidents or chiefs of the Provisional Government are hereby created, both of which shall be filled by appointment of the said Government.
  • Art. II. In the default, absence, impediment, resignation, or death of the chief of the Provisional Government, the supreme authority committed to the latter shall be transferred ipso facto in all its plenitude to the first vice-chief, and the latter not being present or not existing, to the second.
  • Art. III. Revokes all contrary provisions.

  • Manoel Deodoro da Fonsepa.
  • Aristides da Silveira Lobo.

Office of Minister of Interior.

By decrees of the 31st of December, 1889, were nominated: First vice chief of the state, Dr. Ruy Barbosa, minister of finance; second vice chief of the state, Dr. Benjamin Constant, minister of war.

[Inclosure 2 in No. 36.—Translation.]

Decree separating church from state.

Marechal Manoel Deodora da Fonseca, chief of the Provisional Government, constituted by the army and navy, in the name of the nation, decrees:

  • Article I. It is prohibited to the federal authority, as well as to that of the states, to grant any laws, regulations, or administrative acts, by establishing any religion, or prohibiting it; or create any difference among the inhabitants of the country, whether in the service paid for by the budget or not, through reason of philosophical or religious belief or opinions.
  • Art. II. All religious sects have an equal right to exercise their forms of worship according to their faith, and shall not be molested in their private or public forms of worship.
  • Art. III. The liberty herein instituted embraces not only individuals in their individual acts, but also churches, associations, and institutes, in which they may be associated; every one shall enjoy the perfect right to constitute societies and to live collectively according to their creed and belief without any interference of the public authority.
  • Art. IV. The state church is abolished with all its institutions, rights, and prerogatives.
  • Art. V. All churches and religious sects are allowed the juridical right of personality, to acquire property and administer it subject to the limits imposed by the laws of mortmain, with the right to the domain and administration of their property as well as their houses of worship.
  • Art. VI. The Federal Government will continue to provide for the livings of the present incumbents of the Catholic faith and will grant the usual subsidy to the seminaries for one year; each state will have the right to maintain the future ministers of that or of any other faith without countervening the provisions of the preceding articles.
  • Art. VII. Revokes all provisions to the contrary.

(Signed by Manoel Deodoro da Fonseca and by all the seven ministers.)