Mr. Adams to Mr. Blaine.

No. 26.]

Sir: I have the honor to continue my report on the progress of events here. I inclose translation of decree nominating a commission to draft a constitution, referred to in No. 23, of December 6. The Central Government by decree abolished the municipal council of Rio, substituting a commission of seven to govern the city. The same thing was done for the city of Pará, with a commission of three. By decree the army has been increased from 16,000 to over 26,000 men and the pay increased nearly double.

The recent speech of the minister of agriculture in the name of his associates, giving the programme and sentiments of the Government, is a most remarkable utterance. It is being translated, but not ready for this mail.

I have, etc.,

Robert Adams, Jr.
[Inclosure in No. 26.—Translation.]

Decree No. 29. December 3, 1889.—Nominating a commission to frame the project of a constitution for the United States of Brazil.

Marechal Manoel Deodoro da Fonseca, chief of the Provisional Government, constituted by the army and navy in the name of the people, has resolved to nominate a commission, to be composed of Drs. Joaquin Saldanna Marinno, chairman; Americo Brasiliense de Almeida Mello, vice chairman; and Antonio Luiz dos Santos Werneck, Francisco Rangel Pestana, and José Antonio Pedreira de Magalhaes Castro, to frame the project of a constitution of the Republic of the United States of Brazil to be presented to the Constituent Assembly.

  • Marechal Manoel Deodoro da Fonseca,
    Chief of the Provisional Government.
  • Aristides da Silveira Lobo,
    Minister and Secretary of the Interior.