Mr. Shu Cheou Pon to Mr. Bayard.
Washington, D. C., October 10, 1888. (Received October 10.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I received yesterday a telegram from the Chinese consul-general at San Francisco, stating that there have just arrived at that port a number of Chinese laborers; some of them are possessed of certificates of identity to return to the United States, and some who intend to transit through the United States to other countries, but they are not permitted to land; and that the collector of customs at that port, on being remonstrated with, said that he had received written instructions that the return certificates in question are declared void and of no effect, and that as regards the question of privilege of transit he would ask for further instruction from the Secretary of the Treasury.
In my opinion those Chinese laborers who are possessed of the return certificates ought to be permitted to land, and those who intend to pass through the United States to other countries should by no means be obstructed and hindered from doing so. I would therefore beg that you will kindly communicate with the Secretary of the Treasury on the subject to the end that instructions by telegraph may be issued to the customs to permit them to land.
Accept, etc.,