Mr. Denby to Mr.
Legation of
the United States,
Peking, January 18, 1889.
(Received March 12.)
No. 793.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a
translation of an informal—red letter—dispatch which the Dean has, by
direction of the ministers, sent to the Tsung-li Yamên. The purport of this
communication is a remonstrance against a publication in a periodical
published at Shanghai which represents that foreigners boil corpses for the
preparation of soap. Such a proceeding on the part of the ministers would
[Page 96]
perhaps be unusual in any part
of the world but the east. I inclined first to the idea that the consuls
should be directed to bring the matter to the attention of the local
authorities. But a full discussion of the subject convinced me that it would
be better to send a direct though informal remonstrance to the Yamên. The
superstition that foreigners commit all kinds of horrors on the bodies of
the dead is very general in far eastern countries. It will be remembered
that the massacre at Tientsin, the 21st June, 1840, of the French nuns and
other foreigners was caused by the rumor that children were murdered and
their eyes used to make medicine.
Last year the outbreak at Seoul, Corea, was owing to charges that foreigners
were engaged in kidnapping children. Charges of like character have been
spread throughout the cities on the Yangtse. Other examples of the
circulation of atrocious libels against foreigners as a class might be
Owing therefore to the general prevalence of such scandalous charges all over
the Empire, it was deemed proper to bring the matter to the attention of the
Imperial Government.
A decree from the throne would put an end to such abominable superstitions.
At least, if nothing is done by the Imperial Government to check the
circulation of such foul accusations, it may well hereafter be held
responsible should disorders follow publication and rumors of this
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 793.]
Mr. Von Brandt to
the Tsung-li Yamên.
Peking, January 14,
Your Highness and Your
Mr. Von Brandt and his colleagues have the honor to represent to your
highness and your excellencies that recently there appeared in the
Chinese Illustrated News, published in Shanghai, No. 168, a picture
representing foreigners boiling corpses for the preparation of soap,
with the statement that this is the scientific method adopted by
In regard to this matter Mr. Von Brandt and his colleagues would remark
that if the practice represented is regarded as worthy of credence, the
publication of such pictures will have the effect of creating foolish
discussion and laughter and ridicule among the ignorant and silly
Some years ago there were unfounded reports circulated (against
foreigners), such as charging them with using the eyes of children for
the manufacture of photographic material, and using dead bodies to make
medicines of.
These resulted in riots accompanied by the murder of innocent and good
men and women, and nearly led to seriously impairing the friendly
relations existing between China and western powers. This fact should be
thoroughly borne in mind.
Now with regard to the publication of the picture complained of, Mr. Von
Brandt and his colleagues are unanimous in their opinion about it, and
they therefore consider it their duty to represent the matter to your
highness and your excellencies for your careful consideration in the
hope that speedy action may be devised to prevent a recurrence of
publications of so stupid and false a character, which may lead to the
people believing them, and result in very serious consequences.
Mr. Von Brandt and his colleagues have the honor to send herewith a copy
of the Chinese Illustrated News referred to for the perusal of your
highness and your excellencies.
With assurances, etc.,