Mr. Denby to Mr.
Legation of
the United States,
Peking, October 6, 1888.
(Received November 16.)
No. 723.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a
translation of the reply of the Yamên to my communication which was sent to
you in my dispatch No. 713 of October 1, relating to the Chi-nan-fu
The Yamên give an abstract of a note from the governor of Shantung.
The Yamên still professes a willingness to aid the missionaries, but it does
not agree to issue the positive orders which I demanded. It repeats its
advice that “Rev. Gilbert Reid be easy and complaisant, wait quietly, and
not show a hasty temper.”
I have communicated to Mr. Reid the substance of this dispatch, but I have
little hope that he will take kindly these appeals to his patience.
I infer that there is not much probability of settling this controversy by
securing for the missionaries the land which they desire for hospital
purposes within any short period of time. Possibly a general settlement of
the various questions pending between the two countries may include this
troublesome affair. The only other plan which occurs to me is to go myself,
accompanied by the interpreter of the legation, to Chi-nan-fu, or to send
him or the second secretary to confer personally with the local authorities.
Should you direct this mode of action, I ask authority to draw on you for
the expenses of the trip.
I have, etc.,
[Page 75]
[Inclosure in No. 723.]
The Tsung-li Yamên to Mr.
Your Excellency: The prince and ministers have
the honor to state in reply that in the case of the missionaries
purchasing property at Chi-nan-fu on the 27th of September ultimo they
received a communication from your excellency having relation to it and
have read all the points submitted therein. The Yamên at the same time
also received a note from the governor of Shan-tung to the following
“Since the return of the American missionary to Chi-nan-fu the governor
has repeatedly instructed the taotai, prefect, and magistrate without
delay to assist the missionaries in managing the matter. But there is no
help for it, the city of Chi-nan-fu and suburbs are narrow in extent and
the people crowded together; in addition to this, owing to the Yellow
River famine during the past succeeding years, the people of the
neighboring districts have migrated hither in confused numbers, so that
still farther there is no vacant place in the city and suburbs.
“During the years when the provincial examinations are held the students
assemble in crowds (and we must) consider that this still more makes
house accommodation less with a full population.
“Again, when the people are in numbers there is talk of all sorts, and it
is no difficult matter for troubles or disturbances to occur: to act in
a hurry is not an easy task.”
In regard to this case the Yamên has repeatedly sent instructions to the
said province urging that assistance be rendered to bring about a
satisfactory management thereof. The prince and ministers have now
received the governor’s reply giving all the circumstances.
At the said place there is a difficulty in taking action in the premises,
but it is not that the officials have the intention of evading the
performance of their duty.
In a word, there are numbers of Chinese scholars and people who have no
faith or belief in the western doctrine of Christianity, and they are
unable to regard the missionaries from western countries in the same
light or manner as foreign merchants engaged in trade. Trouble
frequently happens and the local authorities have difficulty in showing
them the right way.
In this matter it is necessary to be indulgent for a while and wait until
a suitable opportunity comes to take satisfactory action.
The Yamên will again address the governor of Shan-tung to adopt a plan of
action in the hope that the matter may be settled.
The prince and ministers hope that your excellency will instruct the Rev.
Gilbert Reid to be easy and complaisant, to wait quietly, and not show a
hasty temper.
A necessary communication, etc.