Mr. Winchester to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of
the United States,
Berne, December 19, 1888. (Received January 2, 1889.)
No. 241.]Berne, December 19, 1888. (Received January 2, 1889.)
Sir: The legation is in receipt of a note from the chief of the Swiss federal department for foreign affairs, in which he conveys on behalf of the high federal council, with the request that it may be made known to the Government of the United States, their high appreciation of the expression of condolence offered by this legation on the death of Mr. Hertenstein, the President of the Confederation, and by the official presence of the United States minister at the obsequies; by which the federal council is said to have been touched and gratified.
I am, etc.,
Boyd Winchester.