Mr. Swift to Mr. Blaine.
Tokio, May 25, 1889. (Received June 19.)
Sir: Referring to the correspondence which has taken place between my predecessor at this post and the Department of State in regard to the reward to the inhabitants of the island of Tanegashima for relief of crew of the American bark Cashmere, I have the honor to inform the Department that I am now waiting on the Japanese Government to intimate its final intention to receive and disburse the amount appropriated, with a view of carrying out the will of the United States Government; and that as soon as the Japanese Government intimate their readiness to receive the amount I will draw on the Government bankers, Messrs. Brown, Shipley & Co., London, for the amount $5,000 (£1,027 8s. 8d. at $4.8665).
In this connection I have the honor to invite the attention of the Department—in order that if the Department deems it necessary the amount may be changed to my credit with the Government bankers—to the fact that the above fund has been made payable to my predecessor.
I have, etc.,