Mr. Bayard to Count von Arco-Valley.
Washington, November 26, 1888.
Sir: With reference to my note of the 21st instant, touching a conversation between us in relation to affairs in Samoa, I have the honor to inform you that Mr. Sewall, the United States consul-general at Apia, is expected to leave San Francisco on his return to his post on or about the 15th proximo, and will probably reach Apia about the 1st of January next.
As being in the line of your statement of a desire on the part of your Government that all misunderstandings and complications should be avoided, and it appearing to me desirable in order that friction between the citizens of different nationalities in Samoa should be prevented, and that there should be friendly conference and co-operation between the consuls to that end, and as Mr. Sewall has been instructed, and has assured me of his wish to contribute to that important result, I should be glad to know that the Imperial German consular representative at Apia has been made cognizant of these facts so that there may be no misunderstanding in regard to them when Mr. Sewall returns.
Accept, etc.,