Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Cramer.
Washington, December 11, 1884.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 183, apprising me of the resolution of the Swiss cantonal authorities of Zug, to grant a release to the prisoner J. Binzegger, a confirmed incendiary, on condition of his emigrating to this country, and to commend your zeal and promptitude in protesting to the Swiss Government in the premises.
It is hoped and presumed that the action of the High Federal Government will prevent the consummation of the design to land this criminal on our snores, as a violation of the comity which should obtain between the two Governments; but should it in any way transpire that Binzegger embarks en route to this country, you will please at once telegraph the facts. Meantime I shall ask the Secretary of the Treasury to take the necessary steps for the return of Binzegger, if he lands here. It is, of course, desirable to be advised of the name of the vessel by which he leaves Europe and the date of sailing.
Referring in connection to instruction No. 16, of December 3, 1881, addressed to you, and especially to Ex. Doc. No. 62 (Senate), Forty-sixth Congress, third session, which you have,
I am, &c.,