No. 289.
Mr. Gibbs to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 94]

Sir: As Mr. Phelps left here the day after his official reception, I doubt if he had time to communicate to the Department the correspondence that took place on that occasion. I inclose copy of Mr. Phelps’ official note to this Government and the answer of Señor Urrutia, minister of foreign affairs, with translation; also copy and translation of the answer of the President to Mr. Phelps’ remarks.

* * * * * * *

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure 1 in No. 94.]

Mr. Phelps to Mr. Urrutia.

Your Excellency: I have the honor to request an audience with his excellency the President for the purpose of presenting letters accrediting me as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States near the Government of Peru.

[Page 421]

As I am about to leave the country temporarily, I suggest the audience should be fixed at as early an hour as may be convenient to the President.

With assurance, &c.,

[Inclosure 2 in No. 94.—Translation.]

Mr. Urrutia to Mr. Phelps.

Mr. Minister: I had the honor to receive, with your excellency’s esteemed note, copy of the letter which accredits you with the character of envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Republic of the United States of America, and also copy of the remarks that your excellency will make in the act of being received by my Government.

In answer, I am happy to inform your excellency that at 2 o’clock this afternoon a solemn reception of your excellency will take place, for which purpose the chief officer of this ministry will call at your excellency’s house a few minutes before that hour to accompany your excellency to the palace.

With sentiments, &c.,

[Inclosure 3 in No. 94.]

Speech of Mr. Phelps.

Mr. President: By instructions from my Government I have now the honor and pleasure to place in your hands the letter of the President of the United States accrediting me as the representative of my country near the Government of Peru.

The people and Government of the United States feel great solicitude for the future welfare of Peru, desiring to see the nation fully resuming its pursuits of peace, with all the enjoyment of the advantages and happiness derived from industry, security, and the consequent’ general prosperity. I venture to express the hope that your excellency may be able to lay the foundation of a great and permanent progress, coupling your name with it in the history of your country. Besides duties connected with the interests of citizens of Switzerland and Colombia, I am instructed to extend such aid as I can to the Chinese in this country. Believing your excellency to be actuated by most humane motives in respect to them, I shall seek an early occasion for consultation with your Government, hoping for results as advantageous to Peru as to the Chinese laborers. It will be my pleasure as well as my duty to cultivate and extend the good relations that have always existed between the United States and Peru, and it is my ambition to meet with success.

[Inclosure 4 in No. 94.—Translation.]

Reply of President Iglesias.

Mr. Minister: With the greatest pleasure I receive the autograph letter that accredits you as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States to the Government of Peru, which felicitates itself through me on the official and solemn continuation of diplomatic relations with the great Republic of the north.

After a war terrible as unfortunate to our arms, whose adverse end the most heroic sacrifices could not impede, it is to-day the great desire of my Government to devote itself to the works of peace, seeking in them the fruitful elements of reorganization and progress. With these intentions I shall labor without ceasing to establish an honorable and patriotic administration that will consolidate the rule of democratic institutions and open a bright future to the commerce of all nations.

I see with great satisfaction that you are authorized to look after the interests of the citizens of Switzerland and of Colombia and for the Chinese subjects residing in this country.

[Page 422]

My Government takes pleasure to inform your excellency in respect to the last that it is resolved to extend to them the protection that the liberal laws of Peru give to all strangers without distinction of nationality.

I am highly thankful for the sentiments that your excellency expresses toward the people and the Government of Peru, and am happy to answer them by wishing in the most fervent manner for the prosperity and glory of the people and the Government of the Americans, and that the relations of friendship that exist between our respective Governments will remain unalterable.

Be assured that all facilities will be given you in the fulfillment of the mission that has been confided to you, both as a representative of a Republic so beloved by Peru and for the personal qualities that adorn you.

You are thus recognized in your elevated character.