No. 256.
Mr. Frelinghugsen to Mr. Morgan.

No. 603.]

Sir: I herewith inclose for your information a copy of a letter of the 3d instant, from Mr. J. W. Coates, jr., of Florida, in relation to the case of Mr. Howard 0. Walker, which was the subject of my instruction to you, No. 595 of the 23d ultimo, and observe that you will promptly extend to Mr. Walker every attention consistent with justice and his American citizenship.

Mr. Coates personally visited the Department in behalf of Mr. Walker.

I am, sir, &c.,

[Inclosure in 603.]

Mr. Coates to Mr. Davis.

Dear Sir: The case of Mr. Howard C. Walker is simply that he is accused of an offense which was never proven; cast into jail at Minatitlan, State of Vera Cruz, and refused bond or trial, and when our consul went to see him was ordered away until they saw fit to let him in.

Humbly, yours respectfully,

J. W. COATES, Jr.,
Suwannee Station, Florida.

P. S.—Many thanks for your kind reception and attention toward me this morning.