No. 255.
Mr. Morgan to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 843.]

Sir: * * * I inclose a copy of a dispatch from Consul Viosca of the 17th June last, in which he informs me that Captain Caleb escaped from La Paz on the 11th of May last on the Mexican steamer Estado de Sonora and landed at Guaymas, whence he went by rail to San Francisco.

Also a copy of Consul Kelton’s dispatch of the 7th of June, in which he states that the captain of the steamer Estado de Sonora informed him that Captain Caleb took passage on his steamer at La Paz under the name of John Kelly about the 30th of May last, and went to Guaymas, whence he proceeded to San Francisco.

I am, &c.,

[Page 372]
[Inclosure 1 in No. 843.]

Consul Viosca to Mr. Morgan.

Sir: * * * On the 11th of May last Captain Caleb deserted the private house wherein he was confined, committing a breach of parole, under which custody he had been kept before and after he was sentenced to suffer the penalty of five years of imprisonment, leaving the said house (from information acquired from outside circles) on the night of the date above mentioned, when he absconded on board of the Mexican steamer Estado de Sonora, and have also been informed that he was conveyed to Guaymas, and that he there took the railroad train for San Francisco, Cal., where he now still remains. The circumstances of his escape never came to the knowledge of this consulate until the 30th of May, since which time I have had no chance for communicating the incident.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure 2 in No. 843.]

Mr. Kelton to Mr. Morgan.

Sir: I am in receipt of your letter relative to Captain Caleb.

The purser of the steamer Estado de Sonora informed me to-day that Captain Caleb (under the name of John Kelly), took passage on said steamer from La Paz to Guaymas about the 30th of May last, and from Guaymas proceeded to San Francisco.

I infer that he escaped from La Paz; probably assumed that no steps would be taken by the authorities to impede his escape.

I am, &c.,