No. 50.
Mr. Logan to Mr. Frelinghuysen.


Mr. Logan states that Chili has received official notification that a separate treaty is favored by Bolivia. Both countries appoint commissioners immediately, who will meet at Tacna. The convention between Iglesias’s government and Chili is concluded, and is likely to be signed soon, upon the same basis as the one proposed to Calderon by Mr. Logan for a plebiscite. Mr. Logan refers to his note of October 18 last to Mr. Aldunate and his dispatch No. 85. Chili will occupy Tacna and Arica for ten years, after which the inhabitants will decide by vote to which country they will unite themselves, the country to which they submit their allegiance paying to the other country ten millions. The foreign debt is to be arranged according to the basis of the Chilian decree of February, 1882, as mentioned in Mr. Logan’s No. 41. The treaty with Peru may be interfered with by the separate movement with Bolivia. Chili utterly renounces Calderon.