No. 191.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Sargent.
Washington, April 11, 1883.
Sir: Your dispatches Nos. 121 and 122, of the 15th and 19tb ultimo, in relation to the ordinance and regulations of the German imperial Government for the prohibition of American pork products, have been received.
Until the text of the promulgated regulations for the execution of the prohibitory ordinance shall be received it may seem premature to consider the details of the question and express an opinion thereon. The general issue, however, is one which cannot fail to demand the most careful attention of this Government, not only on its own merits, but also in its bearing upon Article V of the treaty of commerce and navigation between the United States and Prussia, concluded May 1, 1828, and especially the concluding clause of the article, which reads as follows:
Nor shall any prohibition be imposed on the importation or exportation of any article the produce or manufacture of the United States or of Prussia, to or from the ports of the United States, or to or from the ports of Prussia, which shall not equally extend to all other nations.
The treaty question which may be thus involved is receiving attentive consideration, and may hereafter be the subject of a special instruction to you. Meanwhile I have to thank you for the information conveyed in your dispatches, and to remark that your suggestions will have due consideration.
I am, &c.,