No. 186.
Mr. Sargent to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 121.]

Sir: Your instruction No. 87, of 16th February, was received March 10. On the 13th, the first subsequent opportunity, I called on Count Hatzfeldt, and, in obedience thereto, read it to him and left with him a copy. He said he had my last note on the subject, and that it had been submitted to the chancellor, who had written to the German minister at Washington on the matter. I asked him if I might understand that this communication to Washington was evidence of a purpose to convey through some other channel the answer to the President’s proposal which I had submitted, to which he replied “Not at all.” I then said, if the matter, then, was not foreclosed I would remind him that the ordinance was impending, and the United States Government had submitted a definite proposition for a commission, and that unless the imperial Government is so clear in its conclusions that evidence could not change it, or unless it had other motives than the unsoundness of American [Page 358] pork for its prohibition, so that evidence was unimportant, it would appear that this proposition of the American Government should be accepted.

Count Hatzfeldt replied that Herr Bojanowski, president of department No. 2 of foreign affairs, was fully in possession of the views of the chancellor on the matter, and requested me to have an interview with him. As the latter is an officer intrusted with all commercial duties and relations, and equal in station with the secretary, I consented to call upon him to learn the decision of Prince Bismarck, in case an appointment were made for me, Count Hatzfeldt stating that the copy of the instruction which I presented should be laid before the chancellor. I had no doubt, however, that the answer it would get from Herr Bojanowski would be unfavorable. * * *

To-day, at 2 o’clock, I called at the ministerium and had an interview with the president of department No. 2. He stated that instructions had been sent to Mr. Von Eisendecher about the matter. I asked if a commission would be appointed to investigate the alleged unsoundness of American pork products, and he said “No.” I asked him if the ordinance would be suspended until Mr. Von Eisendecher’s response could be had, or until the latter had consulted with the Hon. Secretary of State, and he said “It will not.” I said, “Very well, that answers my questions; and I will communicate the facts to my Government for such further action as it deems proper.” * * * I deemed it indiscreet to ask the nature of Mr. Von Eisendecher’s instructions, and if they contemplated investigation. I presume he will lay before you whatever his Government would wish known of its purposes. * * *

I have, &c.,