No. 294.
Mr. Hamlin to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 98.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 62, relating to the duty imposed on live fish imported into Cuba in foreign bottoms, I have now the honor to inclose herewith, for your further information, a copy and translation of a note upon the subject, from the ministry of state, dated the 6th instant, by which you will observe that His Majesty the King has ordered that Article III of the law of the 7th July last, relating to the gradual abolition of differential duties in Cuba and Porto Rico, be complied with, in case the reductions provided for in said Article III should be applied to the United States.

* * * * * * *

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 98.—Translation.]

The Marquis de la Vega de Armijo to Mr. Hamlin.

Excellency: In view of your note of 29th April ultimo, applying for the derogation of the royal order, which imposed a duty of 75 millesimes of escudo upon live fish in foreign bottoms, and considering that the terms of Article III of the law of 7th July ultimo, for the suppression of the differential flag duty, require reciprocity for any reduction of the tariff which may prove beneficial to foreign nations, the King, my august sovereign, has been pleased to order that the provisions of said royal order be adhered to, subject to the consideration of a request, if the case should arise, for the application to the United States of the benefits provided for in Article III of said law.

I avail myself, &c.,