No. 26.
Mr. Logan to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 281.]

Sir: Under cover of this dispatch I inclose the translation of a note, marked No. 1, from the Government of Honduras, accepting in handsome [Page 36] terms the invitation to send commissioners to the Washington Peace Congress, and the translation of a note, marked No. 2, from the Government of Costa Rica, upon the same subject. From this latter it will appear that Costa Rica, while approving of the Congress and being ready to send commissioners, will not actually appoint until further advices are received as to whether or not it is the intention of our government to hold the Congress.

These inclosures complete the responses from the five States under my charge, and the results may be stated as follows: Guatemala, Salvador, and Honduras have accepted the invitation without reservation; Nicaragua approves the project cordially, and will give a definite answer at a later date; while Costa Rica, expressing enthusiasm upon the subject and being ready to appoint commissioners, will wait until it is determined whether or not our government intends to adhere to the original purpose of holding a Congress.

I have, &c.,