No. 15.
Mr. Osborn to Mr. Frelinghuysen

No. 13.]

Sir: Since writing my dispatch No. 12 of date yesterday, in which I gave an account of my interview with the minister of foreign affairs, Senhor F. Franco de Sá, touching the proposed Peace Congress of American States, I am in receipt of a note from that gentleman in response to mine of the 3d instant inviting the co-operation of Brazil, a copy of which, accompanied by an English translation, is herewith inclosed.

It will be seen that my predictions as to the character of the answer were correct. The Government of Brazil has accepted the invitation, and I am not without reasons for knowing that His Majesty the Emperor looks forward to the assembling of the Congress with much interest, and that he hopes that great good may result therefrom.

It is more than likely that both of the representatives of this government will have a knowledge of the English language, but I am not aware that any particular names have yet been mentioned in that connection.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]

Senhor F. Franco de Sá to Mr. Osborn

I had the honor to receive the note that Mr. Thomas A. Osborn, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America, was pleased to address to me, on the 3d instant, confirming the invitation which, in the conference of the same day, he made in the name of His Excellency the President of the same States, to the effect that Brazil may send two commissioners to the Congress to be held at Washington the 22d of November to consider and discuss the means of averting war between the States of America.

In response to this note I have the satisfaction of communicating to Mr. Osborn that His Majesty the Emperor, in accord with his ministers, resolved to accept the said invitation, and that, consequently, Brazil will be represented at the Congress that is projected, in conformity with the terms of the dispatch of the American Government of which you, Mr. Minister, had the goodness to leave me a copy.

I approve, &c.,