No. 83.
Mr. Logan
to Mr. Blaine.
Guatemala City, July 19, 1881. (Received August 16.)
Sir: Referring to your dispatch No. 151, under date of June 21, ultimo, which incloses copies of instructions to Minister Morgan, in relation [Page 111] to the matters at issue between Mexico and Guatemala, I have to report that I have conversed with President Barrios in the spirit of your instruction to me, and find him to be in full sympathy with the ideas advanced by you, in the whole matter.
Nothing new has been developed in the affair, as sufficient time has not elapsed to hear from the Mexican Government in reply to Mr. Montufar’s note spoken of in my No. 196.
As to the full merits of the dispute, it is, of course, difficult to form a judgment. It is hardly probable that Guatemala is wholly free of blame, it being a rare case that in any dispute one party is entirely right and the other wholly wrong. As Guatemala, however, is a very small nation compared with Mexico, she is in no position to be aggressive; and the probabilities of ulterior purposes by Mexico, as related in my previous dispatches, are, from a priori reasoning, very strong.
I shall keep you posted in relation to the march of events as observed from my own stand-point.
I have, &c.,