No. 741.
Mr. Baker to Mr. Blaine.
Caracas, July 13, 1881. (Received July 29.)
Sir: Referring to your dispatch numbered 129, of date 13th ultimo, I inclose herewith a copy and translation of a note from Mr. Seijas, of this date, relative to the difficulties between this government and that of France, and draw your attention to the same. I also inclose a copy of my note of this date in response to that of Mr. Seijas.
I am much pleased with your statement in your said dispatch in reference to the subject in hand, “that negotiations have been for some time in progress between this government and that of France, with hopeful prospect of reaching an understanding alike satisfactory and honorable to both parties”; and I sincerely hope that no very serious difficulty may be found in reaching such an understanding. But, taking all possible views into account, should it turn out that the French Government shall indicate the purpose of proceeding independently, and of employing force towards Venezuela under the existing circumstances, my judgment is that our government should, in that case, take a timely occasion to cause the French Government to understand that such a course under such circumstances would be reviewed with grave concern.
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I will add, as matter of information, that I have learned from Colonel Mansfield, the English chargé d’affaires at this capital, that on May 10 the English Government, through Lord Lyons, proposed to the French Government “a conference of delegates from Venezuela, France, and Great Britain to arrive at an equitable settlement of the claims of the last two governments upon that of Venezuela; and that on May 14 this was refused by the French Government.
The words quoted are from a memorandum furnished me to-day by Colonel Mansfield himself, with knowledge that I purposed communicating the intelligence to my government.
I am, &c.,