No. 721.
Mr. Heap to Mr. Blaine.

No. 34.]

Sir: I had the honor to acknowledge on the 4th instant the receipt of your dispatch, dated the 16th of June last, No. 40, relative to the order prohibiting the importation of American salted pork into Turkey, and of four copies of the report on the subject of diseased pork, printed under the authority of the Department of State.

Having received no complaint from importers of American salted pork since the Turkish Government issued the order prohibiting its importation, I ascertained upon inquiry that since I wrote to the minister for foreign affairs protesting against the measure, the decree was allowed to fall into abeyance, and no further action was taken in the matter.

I was informed furthermore that a large lot of American hams that arrived soon after the date of the decree was, after passing the customhouse inspection and paying the duties, entered for consumption.

It may not be out of place to state here that this government is continually issuing rules, regulations, and decrees, and that although some are energetically observed and enforced for a short period, many seem to pass into oblivion. It would appear that the one concerning the importation of American salted pork was of this number.

Under these circumstances I am of the opinion that as long as this interdiction is virtually a dead letter it is unnecessary to recall their attention to it.

As Mahometans they are personally disinterested in the trichina question, and they perhaps think it is a matter of little moment if infidels become infected by these parasites in consequence of eating unclean meat.

I have, &c.