
No. 65.
Mr. Adams to Mr. Blaine.

No. 75.]

Sir: Regarding the political situation of Bolivia, I have the honor to report that everything remains in statu quo. The Congress of the country has been called to meet in extra session on the 13th of this month, but it is simply expected to approve the measures of the government since its adjournment last November. President Campero seems to be established firmer in his seat than ever, and his policy of quietly strengthening the army, drilling and equipping it, and of getting the national guard ready for active service, if necessary, seems to meet the approval [Page 89] of the country, based as this policy is upon the expressed will of the people to resist any invasion Chili might contemplate.

Meanwhile, the visit of President Piérola to La Paz has strengthened the alliance between Peru and Bolivia, and I do not believe that one will make peace without the co-operation and approval of the other. Nobody here so far acknowledges the government of García Calderon at Lima while it is upheld by Chilian bayonets. While an invasion from Chili in the near future is entirely improbable, as Chilian soldiers could never endure an Andean winter, and so no immediate fighting is expected, it is still hoped here that our government may be pleased to put an end to the war, and in the interest of commerce, humanity, republican institutions, and American traditions and ideas may compel Chili, if necessary, to grant to Peru and Bolivia honorable terms of peace, instead of holding both countries by the throat, so to speak, by demanding continuous contributions and excluding them from all commerce on the sea. * * *

I have, &c.,