No. 632.
The Czar to
the President.
[Grand titles omitted.]
It has pleased the Most High, in His inscrutable wisdom, to visit Russia with a terrible affliction, and, suddenly to call to Himself, on the 1st day of the present month of March,* His Majesty the Emperor Alexander Nicolaevitch, our very dear father. He fell under the sacrilegious hand of the assassin, which had more than once attempted to take his life. In informing you, as we do with unspeakable grief, of the irreparable loss which both we and all our imperial family have sustained, we desire also to inform you that, by the right of succession, we have ascended the throne of our ancestors of the Empire of Russia, the Kingdom of Poland, and the Grand Duchy of Finland, which are inseparable therefrom.
[Page 1039]We feel convinced that you will not only take an interest in this event, but that you will continue to manifest the same friendship to us that you did to the Emperor of blessed memory, which friendship we shall certainly reciprocate.
In accrediting to the Government of the United States of America our chamberlain, the Actual Councillor of State Bartholomei, we beg you to give full faith and credit to whatever he shall have the honor to say to you in our name.
Finally, we pray the Most High to have you, Mr. President, our great and good friend, in His holy keeping.
Your good friend,
The secretary of state in charge of the ministry of foreign affairs.