No. 63.
Mr. Adams
to Mr. Evarts.
La Paz, February 15, 1881. (Received April 26.)
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of a diplomatic circular from the Bolivian minister of foreign affairs, issued under date of February 1, with translation, in which the position of Bolivia is defined as influenced by the late defeat before Lima.
I do not think it necessary to add any opinion of mine regarding this circular and the very strong views of the Bolivian Government therein expressed, as it quite corresponds with what I have foreshadowed in former dispatches. I may, however, say that although Bolivia is apparently exhausted and looked upon by Chili as an enemy not worth troubling herself about, it may carry on for an indefinite period a guerrilla warfare, which will be a continuous menace to Chili, and well calculated to threaten its peaceful possession of the conquered territory; necessitating the support of a large standing army, while at the same time it will no doubt turn Bolivia’s commerce toward the Atlantic, via the La Plata or Amazon River. At any rate, I consider Bolivia stronger to-day than Peru, as it has more means of resistance and a more united people, and has suffered less in the actual war.
The original document, addressed to the minister of Bolivia at Washington, I beg to inclose for transmittal to its address, as requested in the accompanying note of the Hon. Dr. Nuñez del Prado, and have the honor to be, &c.,