No. 602.
Mr. Schuyler to Mr. Blaine.

No. 86.]

Sir: Some time since a decree was made by the council of ministers prohibiting the importation of pork from the United States, England, Turkey, and Russia. The reasons given for this decree were that as American pork had been prohibited by France, Germany, Austria, and several other countries, on the ground of being unwholesome and containing trichinae, it was not for the advantage of the Roumanian commerce in swine to allow the importation of American pork into Roumania, either directly or indirectly. I subsequently called the attention of the government to this subject, and asked whether it would not be possible to remove the prohibition. The government promised to take the matter into consideration and to see whether the reasons still existed for the decree. I now have cause for believing that the decision in the matter depends entirely upon the action taken by Austria Hungary. If the prohibition should be removed by that government, it would probably be removed here. The exportation of live animals is an important branch of Roumanian trade, and it is thought here that the Government of Austria-Hungary is always ready to take advantage of any pretext for enforcing with the utmost rigidity their veterinary regulations, and prohibiting the exportation of Roumanian swine and other animals. I inclose herewith a translation of the decree in question.

In any case the importation of American pork into Roumania is of very little consequence. None has been imported directly, and as Belgium is not one of the countries from which the importation is forbidden it could be imported in that way.

The English chargé d’affaires has made unofficial representations on the same subject, which have thus far been without result.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 86.—Translation.]

Report of the minister of the interior to the King.


Sire: The accompanying minute of the council of ministers, No. 1, by which, for the motives set forth in it, it is decided to forbid the importation into Roumania of pork and of alimentary preparations, in which enter the flesh, blood, lard, or entrails of swine coming from America, England, Turkey, or Russia, the undersigned with the most profound respect submits in the original, and begs Your Majesty to give it your high approval.

I am, with the most profound respect, sire, of Your Majesty the most humble and obedient servant,

The minister secretary of state for the department of the interior:


No. 1765.

[Page 990]

Council of Ministers.


At its session to-day, Wednesday, April 22, 1881, taking into consideration the report of the minister of the interior, No. 1725;

Having in view the note of our legation at Rome, No. 59, in which it is shown that France and Italy have prohibited the importation of pork from America, for the reason that American pork has been shown to contain triehinsæ;

Considering that in Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal, and Greece the importation of American pork is no longer permitted;

Considering that it is impossible to examine microscopically every article of food imported from abroad, containing the flesh or other parts of swine;

Considering that such American pork, the importation of which is forbidden in the countries above mentioned, may be introduced into Roumania, directly as well as indirectly, and thus endanger the lives of the consumers of such pork, as well as influence in an unfavorable way our export commerce in swine and their products, thus discrediting with our rivals the commerce of Roumania in swine, which has begun to take a great development;

Having in view the opinion given by the superior medical council in its minute, No. 178, in the present case:

The council of ministers, admitting the opinion of the said medical council expressed in the minute cited, resolves to prohibit the importation into Roumania of pork and of all alimentary preparations into which the flesh, blood, lard, or intestines of pork enter, coming from America, England, Turkey, or Russia.

The disposition of the present minute will be carried out by the minister of the interior, after being approved by His Majesty the King.

  • Genesal SLANICEANO.
  • Colonel DABIJA.
  • V. A. UERCHIA.

No. 1.