No. 593.
Señor Elmore to Mr. Blaine.
Washington, November 18, 1881. (Received November 18.)
Sir: When I had the honor to confer with your excellency on last Monday, 14th instant, I informed your excellency that I had telegraphic news of the adhesion of the Peruvian Admiral Montero to Señor Calderon’s government, and also of the last and logical Chilian outrage, the arrest and taking to Chili of President Calderon and his secretary of state, Señor Galvez.
I have been waiting both for telegraphic advices and for the South Pacific mail (which has finally reached here to-day) in order to address to your excellency an exposé on the situation in Peru, which although so extraordinary and perhaps unique in history is not for that reason the less interesting.
[Page 976]I hope to hand my letter to your excellency to-morrow, when I shall again earnestly call your excellency’s attention to a situation which has probably no other solution than the resolute intervention of your excellency’s government in order to make constitutional government in Peru, and a lasting peace in South America, possible.
I have the honor to renew to your excellency the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration.