No. 589.
Señor Elmore to Mr. Blaine.
Washington, August 29, 1881. (Received August 30.)
Sir: I have had the honor to receive your excellency’s esteemed letter of 27th instant, in which, referring to the communication addressed to your excellency by the minister of foreign relations of Peru, under date of June 15, 1881, and which I had the pleasure to place in your hands on the 26th of the present month, announcing to your excellency the recall of my predecessor, the chargé d’affaires Señor Ignacio Garcia, and my appointment as minister resident of Peru to the Government of the United States, your excellency is so good as to inform me that the critical condition of his excellency the President of the United States at the present time forbids any immediate arrangement for the formal presentation of my credentials; but that it will be agreeable to your excellency, in the name of your government, to enter forthwith into full diplomatic relations with me pending the observance of that formality. To this end you ask me to transmit to you now the office copy of my letter of credence from the President of Peru, leaving to a later date the presentation of the original to his excellency the President of the United States.
I beg to offer to your excellency, Mr. Secretary, my sincere thanks for this proof of the friendly disposition of your excellency’s government, and I herewith have the pleasure to inclose the office copy and a translation of my letter of credence.
[Page 967]I also thank your excellency for the copy of the note of Señor Galvez, which you kindly sent me.
While continuing my most earnest prayers for the recovery of his excellency President Garfield, I have the honor to renew to your excellency the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration.