No. 58.
Mr. Evarts to Mr. Adams .

No. 24.]

Sir: You dispatch No. 36, of the 24th of October last, written while [Page 81] on board of the United States ship Lackawanna, Bay of Arica, has been received. It narrates the personal movements of yourself and the Bolivian plenipotentiaries to join the conference, under the mediation of the United States, between the belligerent powers.

Your action, as reported therein, is approved by the Department.

While upon the subject of the mediation between the plenipotentiaries of Bolivia, Chili, and Peru, I have to inform you that Mr. Christiancy has, in his dispatch No. 200, of the 2d ultimo, inclosed the protocols of the conferences of such representatives, held at Arica from the 22d to the 27th of October last.

Although this government would have been glad to have received intelligence that its efforts in the direction of securing peace between the belligerent powers had been efficacious to that desirable end, and although it cannot cease to entertain the most serious regret that such efforts have met with so little apparent success thus far, the Government of the United States still stands ready to render its assistance to that end in every proper way.

I am, &c.,