Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, With the Annual Message of the President, December 5, 1881
No. 56.
Mr. Adams
to Mr. Evarts.
La Paz, November 17, 1880. (Received January 3, 1881.)
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of a note received from Señor Carrillo, and one of the printed pamphlets mentioned therein, containing the report of the Bolivian plenipotentiaries, the protocols of the conferences and the acknowledgment of the government.
Inasmuch as a translation of the protocols will be furnished by Mr. Christiancy, I transmit herewith only that of the report itself.
I have, &c.,
Mr. Carrillo to Mr. Adams.
La Paz, November 13, 1880.
Sir: Repeating the acknowledgments of my government for the benevolent offices and personal attitude of your excellency during the peace negotiations, I have the honor to transmit three copies of a pamphlet, in which these conferences have been published.
I improve the opportunity to again subscribe myself, with all consideration and respect, your excellency’s, &c.,
To his excellency the Minister Resident of the
United States of North America,
Report of the Bolivian plenipotentiaries.
La Paz, November 5, 1880.
To the Minister of State and Foreign Relations:
Sir: We have the honor to transmit to the department with this report the autograph protocols of the peace conferences which have taken place in the waters of [Page 78] Arica and on board of the American corvette Lackawanna, between the plenipotentiaries of the three republics engaged in the present struggle of the Pacific.
In accord with the high and sincere sentiments of the national government, we have tried, with decided ardor, to arrive at an arrangement for peace compatible with the honor of the allied republics and the great interests of South America.
We understood that such result would not be probable if we did not accept to a certain extent the necessary effects produced by the advantages gained on the battlefield. This consideration induced us to calculate quietly the favorable results which the allies might obtain, as well as the sacrifices which they might have to make without loss of dignity, not vaguely invoked, but defined in the course of events.
At the first step of the negotiations the designation of the place for the conferences became a point of diplomatic consideration, and might have definitely made these impossible. To obviate this incident, we agreed that one of us should go to Arica on a particular mission, accompanied by their excellencies the American ministers, Messrs. Christiancy and Adams, which was done with the consent of their excellencies the plenipotentiaries of Peru. There we were enabled to speak to the delegate from the most excellent the Government of Chili, who transmitted to it our different conciliatory propositions, which were, however, decidedly rejected. On our responsibility thereupon, we chose that the negotiations should take place on board of the corvette Lackawanna, in the waters of Arica. The estimable arguments of their excellencies the ministers of the United States in the same sense facilitated the final opening of the conferences.
In these we maintained the same spirit which animated us. In the first we expressed our hope that the most excellent negotiators might consider the subject in accordance with its responsibility and as Americans, putting aside the inspirations of interior politics and the popular clamor of the day, considering only the serious and permanent necessities of the three republics. Our confidence in the noble action of the United States was strengthened above all when we heard his excellency Mr. Osborn, as organ of his colleagues and appreciating exactly one point in our history, declare in these words, “That for the first time the institutions of our continent were on trial.”
Notwithstanding that the propositions of Chili when presented were of such a character as to shut off all discussion, we endeavored to maintain it patiently in the limits of natural development.
Consequently we introduced for the sake of peace and the high interests of America what we thought a measure of conciliation, counting upon the approbation of our government. Its sense and deductions, as well as the substance of our observations, are contained in the proper protocol. We will only add that their excellencies the plenipotentiaries of Chili declared this measure inconvenient and opposed to their instructions.
We favored decidedly the arbitration proposed by their excellencies the ministers of Peru, and did not omit to show all the advantages held out by this means even to the Republic of Chili.
Nothing was sufficient to change the unalterable resolution maintained by their excellencies the plenipotentiaries of Chili in regard to the definite annexation of all the Bolivian coast, and that of Peru as far as Camorones, as a basis sine qua non of any arrangement.
With satisfaction we have to refer to the distinguished attitude of their excellencies the plenipotentiaries of Peru in discharging their delicate and difficult task, wherein they were assisted materially by their clear and practical reasoning.
We also express our acknowledgments of the personal efforts of their excellencies the ministers of the United States, and we are well aware of what we owe to those particularly employed by his excellency Mr. Charles Adams; but, considering the antecedents of the mediation and the high object manifested in the first conference, we cannot conceal our lively regrets that it was not possible for the most excellent mediators to assume a different diplomatic attitude from that which his excellency Mr. Osborn marked out, and which reduced itself to a polite invitation to meet and preside over our discussions, without giving their presence any other character than that of the most simple and initiatory good offices.
Our efforts to re-establish an honorable and secure peace between the three republics have been without result. Arbitration, the most dignified mode of settling disputes among civilized nations, has been rejected. America will decide on which side justice remains.
Begging you to bring this report, with the protocols attached, to the knowledge of the President of the Republic, we herewith tender our respects and subscribe ourselves.
Your very, &c.,