No. 52.
Mr. Putnam to Mr. Blaine.

No. 73.]

Sir: Referring to your dispatch No. 45, I have the honor to send copy of my last note to the foreign office, and of its reply, received today.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure 1 in No. 73.]

Mr. Putnam to Mr. Frère-Orban.

Monsieur le Mintstre: I had the honor, in a late communication, to state that I had the pleasure of forwarding to my government the recent letter of Mr. le Ministre of the Interior concerning American pork, and that I felt sure it would be received with great satisfaction.

I have now the honor to state that I am in receipt of a dispatch from the Government of the United States which states that “The President is much gratified by the exhibition of the candid spirit revealed by the letter of His Majesty’s minister.” It also instructs me to make known to His Majesty’s minister the satisfaction with which my advisement of the action of the Belgian Government on the subject matter of my note has been received.

In view of the exceptional circumstances in which that branch of our commerce finds itself in some European quarters, without, as my government believes, any justifying reason, the broad commercial spirit of the Belgian Government is specially grateful to the people and Government of the United States.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure 2 in No. 73.—Translation.]

Mr. Frère-Orban to Mr. Putnam.

Mr. Minister: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the letter which you had the kindness to address me in regard to the manner in which the action of the government of the King relating to the entrance into Belgium of American pork has been appreciated at Washington.

I at once placed these communications under the eyes of the minister of the interior.

I avail myself of this occasion, Monsieur le Ministre, to thank you for the interesting information you have been pleased to give me relative to the experiments made to determine whether or not trichinose existed in the provisions in question.

I have, &c.,