No. 465.
Mr. Morgan
to Mr. Blaine.
Legation of
the United States,
Mexico, August 4, 1881.
(Received August 19.)
No. 245.]
Sir: On the 27th of July I addressed a note to
Señor Mariscal and inclosed to him copy of the letter addressed to you by
the honorable
[Page 782]
the Secretary of
War, as also a copy of a telegram addressed to the commanding officer at
Port Brown, relating the proceedings had by that officer on the occasion of
the death of General Servando Canales. All in obedience to the instructions
contained in your dispatch No. 152, July 11, 1881.
A copy of my note I inclose. I also inclose translation of Señor Mariscal’s
reply, in which he expresses the satisfaction with which the President has
learned of the said proceedings.
I am, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 245.]
Mr. Morgan to Señor
Legation of the United States,
Mexico, July 27,
Sir: I am instructed to bring to the knowledge
of the Mexican Government the proceedings had by the commanding officer
of the United States troops at Fort Brown on the occasion of the much
regretted death of General Servando Canales.
In conformity with said instructions I now inclose to your excellency
copy of a letter addressed to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of
War, as also a copy of a telegram addressed to the commanding officer of
Fort Brown.
I renew, &c.,
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Señor Mariscal to
Mr. Morgan.
Department Foreign Affairs,
Mexico, July 29,
Mr. Minister: I have received your excellency’s
note of the 27th instant, in which, complying with the instructions of
your government, you inclosed a copy of a letter addressed to the
Secretary of State by the Secretary of War, and a telegram addressed by
the adjutant-general of the Department of Texas to the commanding
officer at Fort Brown relating to the death of General Servando
In reply I have to say to your excellency that the President has read
with great interest the aforesaid document, and sincerely acknowledges
the demonstration made in honor of the deceased General Canales by the
military commandant at Fort Brown.
I renew, &c.,