Legation of
the United States,
Mexico, October 27, 1880.
(Received November 10.)
No. 125.]
I am, &c.
[Inclosure in No. 125.]
Mr. Morgan to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Mexico, October 27,
Sir: My government is informed that the
following named citizens of the United States, residents of Texas, viz,
Filipe Burnato, Santos Hernandez, Miguel Guerrero, Manuel Guerrero, and
George Cimo, have been impressed as soldiers in the Mexican army, and
form a portion of the thirty-first battalion thereof.
I am instructed to demand of the Mexican Government the instant release
of these men, and their being sent unmolested to their homes in Texas,
or allowed to proceed, likewise without molestation, to any point in
Mexico where they may have business or may desire to go, as well as that
a reasonable pecuniary indemnity for the detention, annoyance, and
inconvenience to which they have been thus unwarrantably subjected.
I am likewise instructed to urge upon the Mexican Government the apparent
necessity of the adoption, in the interest of international peace,
friendship, and good neighborhood, of such measures, and the immediate
issuance of such orders to its civil and military officers on the
frontier, as will prevent occurrences of a like nature in the
I renew to your honor the assurances of my distinguished