No. 427.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Blaine.
States Legation,
Japan, October 21, 1881. (Received
November 19.)
No. 1385.]
Sir: For several weeks past His Majesty the Emperor of
Japan has been making a progress in the north of his empire in the island of
Yesso, and on the 12th instant signalized his return to this capital by
issuing an imperial decree to the effect that in the 23d year of Meiji
(1890) His Majesty would establish a parliament, and in the mean time he
would by proclamation make known the constitutional limitations of the
[Page 729]
prerogatives and of the
national parliament. I note that His Majesty in this decree remarks that he
perceived the tendency of his people “is to advance too rapidly, and without
that thought and consideration which alone can make progress enduring,”
thereby confirming what I had occasion to say in my No. 1102 of His
Majesty’s address on the 25th of March, 1880, to the provincial governors of
the empire, that “the Emperor intends that the people shall hasten slowly
towards constitutional and representative government.”
It cannot be doubted that this decree marks one of the most eventful acts of
the illustrious administration of His Imperial Majesty. It seemed, to me
fitting, as the representative of our constitutional system of government,
that I should congratulate his excellency Mr. Inouye, the minister for
foreign affairs, upon this decree of His Imperial Majesty, and accordingly I
addressed a note of congratulation to his excellency on the 14th instant, a
copy of which is herewith, together with a copy of the imperial decree as
published in the Japan Daily Mail of the 13th instant.
Should the Emperor live, as it is to be hoped he may, to consummate what he
has thus inaugurated, it may be said that this act of his, in the interests
of his people and of good government, regulated by written law, is second to
no act of any of the rulers of this empire during an unbroken dynasty of
twenty-five centuries.
Surely this decree for liberty and justice, sheltered and regulated by
written constitutional law, will live in all the future of this people. Very
impressive are the Emperor’s words:
Our ancestors in heaven watch our acts, and we recognize our
responsibility to them for the faithful discharge of our high
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 1385.]
Mr. Bingham to Mr.
Dear Sir: I beg most heartily to congratulate
you upon the imperial decree of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, of
date the 12th instant, declaring his purpose to establish an imperial
parliament. What His Majesty has resolved to do accords with all the
great reforms he has already inaugurated, of which I made mention in my
dispatch to my government, No. 1159, as published in the Foreign Relations for 1880, page 690,
a copy of which I gave you.
To hasten slowly in this crowning work, at His Majesty proposes, is the
dictate of wisdom.
I am, &c.,
[Inclosure 2 in No. 1385.—Extract from the
Japan Daily Mail, October 13, 1881.]
imperial decree.
We, sitting on the throne which has been occupied by our dynasty for over
2,500 years, and now exercising, in our own name and right, all the
authority and power transmitted to us by our ancestors.
We have long had it in view gradually to establish a constitutional form
of government to the end that the peaceful permanence of our dynasty may
be assured and our successors provided with a rule for their
It was with this object in view that, in the 8th year of Meiji, we
established the
[Page 730]
Genro-In, and
in the 11th year of Meiji authorized the formation of local assemblies,
thus laying the formation for the gradual reforms which we contemplated.
These, our acts, must convince you, our subjects, of our determination
in this respect from the beginning.
Systems of government differ in different countries, but sudden and
unusual changes cannot be made without great inconvenience.
Our ancestors in heaven watch our acts, and we recognize our
responsibility to them for the faithful discharge of our high duties, in
accordance with the principles and the perpetual increase of the glory
they have bequeathed us.
We therefore hereby declare that we shall, in the 23d year of Meiji,
establish a parliament in order to carry into full effect the
determination we have announced; and we charge our faithful subjects
bearing our commissions to make, in the mean time, all necessary
preparations to that end.
With regard to the limitations upon the imperial prerogative, and the
constitution of the parliament, we shall decide hereafter and shall make
proclamation in due time.
We perceive that the tendency of our people is to advance too rapidly,
and without that thought and consideration which alone can make progress
enduring, and we warn our subjects, high and low, to be mindful of our
will, and that those who may advocate sudden and violent changes, thus
disturbing the peace of our realm, will fall under our displeasure.
We expressly proclaim this to our subjects.
By command of His Imperial Majesty.
First Minister of
12th day, 10th month, 14th year of Meiji.
(October 12, 1881.)