No. 405.
Mr. Langston to Mr. Blaine.
Port-au-Prince, Hayti, June 4, 1881. (Received June 17.)
Sir: The addresses of President Salomon delivered at the various public audiences which he has given, already, at different cities, upon his extended tour through the northern part of the country, are significant, as showing from his stand-point the probable popular strength of his administration; his purpose to maintain general peace and tranquillity; his desire to restore and advance the national credit; his judgment as regards the introduction of new enterprises, such as the telegraph and the bank; his watchful care against insurrectionary and revolutionary movements; his estimate of the past strength and influence and present power and designs of Mr. Bazelais and his partisans; the confidence and respect which he entertains for his ministers, and the chief officials of the various departments, arrondissements and communes, especially of the north; but finally, and especially, as showing the belief of the President, and the confident and positive manner in which he declares his belief, that no insurrectionary movement can now be inaugurated, from within or from without the country, which can accomplish the overthrow of his administration. As illustrative of such last point, in his address at Cape Haytien, delivered Sunday, April 10, last, the President employs these words as translated:
The best of my guaranties is that affection which you have for me. I have also the co-operation of foreigners.
To the same effect, he says, also, in the same address:
I reckon upon you, my friends, persuaded that if any unbeliever shall raise the voice you will stifle it immediately.
* * * As regards the security and durability of the present administration of the government, there are, of course, two opinions. Its adherents and friends are confident of its power and endurance. And, in proof of its popular favor and probable continuance, often refer to the peace and tranquillity which have prevailed since its advent to power and the general confidence which obtains with respect thereto as evidenced in the growing improvements being made now upon property both in [Page 644] city and country. They insist, too, that there is to-day no man of name and influence anywhere in the country who dares to head a movement against Salomon. But, on the other hand, the opponents of the administration claim, not in an open but quiet way, that the peace which prevails is not solid and lasting, because it is neither founded upon the intelligence nor the affection of the people; that it is the result of oppression and fear, if not of the chief executive, of his subordinates—the commandants of departments, arrondissements and communes. And they claim, also, that so soon as the least movement is made, the uprising will be general and decisive. Indeed, some of the latter class claim that even now, while the President is passing through the north receiving the enthusiastic vivats of the people on every hand, there is a movement being organized, in that very quarter of the country, whose strength and power will be demonstrated at no distant day.
To the impartial observer, however, to one who has not been initiated into the secrets of Haytien intrigues and the mysteries of Haytien insurrectionary and revolutionary movements, it does really seem that the present administration is strong, and promises to endure even beyond the period of existence that has generally characterized its predecessors.
It is expected that the President, returning from the north, will reach the capital next Sunday morning, the 5th of the month; and suitable preparations are being made to give him an enthusiastic reception.
I am, &c.,