No. 381.
Señor Montúfar to Mr. Blaine.


Mr. Minister: I have been informed of the benevolent sentiments which actuate the Government of the United States on the subject of Central American unity, and especially of your desire to prevent war between Guatemala and Mexico growing, out of the boundary question.

Such a war seems to be daily more imminent, and there have been times when it was believed to be actually breaking out.

The expressions to which your excellency has been pleased to give utterance in behalf of peace have been regarded by the Government of Guatemala as a fresh evidence of the sincere friendship of the United States Government, while the instructions transmitted to the American minister in Mexico have been considered as an additional proof of the warm interest felt by the United States in behalf of everything that tends to promote justice, good order, and progress in the New World.

The constitutional President of Guatemala instructs me to thank the enlightened Government of the United States, in his name, and to express the sentiments of gratitude which he entertains, together with his desire to co-operate in the realization in America of the views relative to the welfare of the whole continent which do so much honor to the American Union.

In obeying these instructions, which I am most happy to do, I have the honor to assure your excellency that I am, &c.,