No. 362.
Mr. Blaine to Sir Edward Thornton.

Sir: Referring to my note to you of the 10th instant, in relation to the incursion of the Blackfeet and other Canadian Indians into the territory of the United States, I now have the honor to inform you that I have since received a letter on the same subject from my colleague, the Secretary of War, from which it appears that on the 13th ultimo a written complaint was made to the commanding officer at Fort Benton, by C. W. Price & Co., to the effect that the Bloods and Blackfeet Indians were camped near the ranch of the firm just named, and were killing their cattle. Upon receiving this complaint, the district commander directed a detachment of troops to be sent out from Fort Benton to ascertain the facts and to advise these Indians to move across the boundary line.

I hasten to communicate this intelligence to you, in view of the fact that it, in connection with previous reports, seems to indicate the existence of a state of affairs in the quarter in question which may result in serious complications, unless vigorous measures shall be speedily adopted by Her Majesty’s Government to prevent these predatory incursions of Canadian Indians into the territory of the United States.

I have, &c.,