No. 352.
Sir Edward Thornton to Mr. Evarts.

Sir: With reference to your note of the 10th ultimo, requesting me to communicate to the customs authorities of the Dominion of Canada copy of a letter addressed by the Secretary of the Treasury to the collector of customs at Suspension Bridge, N. Y., I have the honor to transmit herewith copy of a report of the privy council for Canada, which has been forwarded to me by the governor-general of the Dominion, and which acquiesces in the decision of your honorable colleague.

I have, &c.,


Copy of a report of a committee of the honorable the privy council for Canada, approved by his excellency the governor-general on the 7th day of February, 1881.

The committee of council have had before them a dispatch, dated January 12, 1881, from Her Majesty’s minister at Washington, inclosing copy of a note from Mr. Evarts, transmitting copy of a letter addressed by the United States Treasury Department to the collector of customs at Suspension, Bridge, N. Y., conveving decision adopted relative to the transportation of merchandise from one Canadian port to another Canadian port through the United States, via Suspension Bridge and Ogdensburgh.

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The honorable the minister of customs, to whom said dispatch with inclosure has been referred, reports that the United States regulation does not conflict with any regulation of the customs department of Canada, and that therefore no objection exists to said regulation.

The committee recommend that the said report be concurred in, and that a copy of this minute, when approved, be transmitted to Sir Edward Thornton for the information of the United States Government.


Clerk Privy Council, Canada.