No. 299.
Mr. Evarts
to Mr. Lowell.
Washington, January 14, 1881.
Sir: I inclose herewith, for your information, a copy of dispatch No. 49,* of the 20th of November last, from Mr. Angell, the minister of this country at Peking, reporting the wreck of the American ship James Baily on the coast of Hainan, the plundering of the vessel by the natives, and the earnest and vigorous action taken by Mr. James Scott, acting British consul at Kiungchow and Hoihow, in bringing the matter to the attention of the Chinese authorities, and securing by his intervention the dispatch of a war vessel and soldiers to protect the wreck and arrest the guilty parties. It appears, furthermore, that Mr. Scott took the affidavits of the officers and crew of the James Baily as to their losses.
The timely and valuable services so generously rendered by Mr. Scott in the case of the James Baily, as above recited, are very highly appreciated by the President, and he therefore desires that the special thanks of this government may be conveyed to Mr. Scott, through Her Majesty’s foreign office, for the same.
I am, &c.,