No. 288.
Mr. White
to Mr. Blaine.
Berlin, March 14, 1881. (Received April 1.)
Sir: On the 17th of December last, by an instruction (No. 161 of the 1st December) referring to my recent dispatches concerning the annoyances to which naturalized American citizens returning to Germany were subjected by the military authorities, I was requested to bring the subject to the attention of the foreign office with a view to its adopting some rules which would obviate unnecessary arrests of Americans.
In my absence, Mr. Everett, as chargé d’affaires ad interim, embodied your instruction verbatim in a note to the foreign office and delivered it in person to Count Limburg-Stirum, acting minister of foreign affairs, taking advantage of the opportunity to suggest to his excellency that the experience of the legation seemed to show that the action of the local authorities frequently arose from an ignorance on their part of the ministerial decrees regarding naturalized American citizens. (See Mr. Everett’s No. 10, of 20th December, 1880.)
I have now received from the foreign office a note intended to be an answer to the instruction above mentioned in which advantage is evidently taken of the use of the word “arrest” by the Department, thereby limiting very much the number of cases in which exception could be taken to the action of German officials.
The foreign office is quite correct in its statement of the rarity of arrests during the fourteen months of 1880, and 1881, referred to, but makes no allusion to the compulsory fines which occurred during the same time and which were paid to avoid immediate arrest. It is a hopeful sign [Page 464] that since the beginning of the present year the legation has not had to intervene once in behalf of returning American citizens. The number of such interventions in 1880 was twenty, compared with twenty-five in 1879, and twenty in 1878.
As regards the imposition of fines for neglect of military duty, the State of the case is as follows:
Every young man in Germany is liable to serve in the army on the completion of his twentieth year, and even if he emigrates before his liability to military service begins, is none the less required to report himself on the prescribed day. If he fails to do this he may be condemned in his absence to fine or imprisonment. If he has property it may be attached, the attachment, however, expiring by limitation after seven years. (See case of Ernst Eggers, foreign relations 1879, p. 369.)
In case of the return of the delinquent before such expiration the fine is at once claimed, with the alternative of imprisonment. In one case the jewelry on the man’s person was seized in payment. The attachment of the real estate does not imply a sale, but only secures the payment of the fine in case the property is sold by the owner. The fears therefore of Germans in America that their property in Germany will be sold by the authorities here for military fines is unfounded. If the fine has been paid by the family of the absentee before he had become a naturalized American citizen it cannot be recovered, but otherwise in every case where bona fide American citizenship could be proved, except those in Alsace-Lorraine, the fine, whether paid or not, has been remitted by the order of the Emperor.
The legation has several times been informed by the foreign office, in justification of the summary action of the local authorities against returning Americans that the officials have no discretion as to relaxing the military laws in favor of Americans, but, at the same time, it is certain that in Prussia these officials are ordered by ministerial decrees to refer such cases to Berlin before proceeding to extremities, whenever the person can produce his American citizen paper. But some of the returning emigrants have lost this paper, some, probably, are afraid to produce it, and in some cases, it is asserted, the officials ignore it altogether, though the last possibility is denied by the foreign office. As a rule the person prosecuted has ample time, if he chooses, to appeal to the legation for protection, and in several cases where the time of grace had expired the foreign office, at the request of the legation, caused the proceedings to be stopped, by telegraph, pending investigation.
The vexed question of citizenship in Alsace-Lorraine remains in statu quo waiting for the American Government to propose a supplementary treaty regulating it. The opinion entertained by the German Government, to which I have alluded in previous dispatches, that the existing treaty is more advantageous to the United States than to Germany may be the reason why they hold that Germany should not be the first to make the proposal for its extension to Alsace-Lorraine.
I have, &c.,