No. 25.
Mr. Kasson
to Mr. Evarts.
Legation of
the United States,
Vienna, February 23, 1881.
(Received March 10.)
No. 426.]
Sir: Referring to my No. 401, I have now the honor
to transmit herewith the concluding correspondence on the subject of a
representative of the United States to reside at Belgrade, which appears to
be earnestly desired by the government of that principality.
I venture to express the hope that my government will favorably appreciate
the dignified btit touching appeal involved in the contrast of the financial
condition of the two countries, suggested in the last note of the Servian
envoy, and will lend to that government the moral support of an American
representative at its capital. Servia is struggling to establish its
independence with the civilization of western Europe, under many
difficulties arising from powerful intervening neighbors, and from the
burdens imposed on it by the provisions of the Berlin Congress. It would
seem to have a moral right to the generous consideration of the freer,
richer, and more disinterested members of the family of nations.
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Mr. Kasson to Mr.
American Legation at Vienna,
February 1, 1881.
Monsieur le Ministre: Referring to my note of
the 24th December, 1880, addressed to your excellency, I have now the
honor to advise you that my government has received
[Page 37]
with the most sincere satisfaction the
expression of the friendly sentiments entertained by the Servian
Government, and of its desire to have at Belgrade a representative of
the United States.
Mr. Evarts, the Secretary of State for foreign affairs, while awaiting a
communication from the Servian Government relative to the rank of the
representative which it might desire to send to the United States, will
submit the proposition communicated to him to the consideration of the
President and of Congress.
Accept, Monsieur le Ministre, &c.,
His Excellency Mr. Ph. Christitch,
Envoy Extaordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of
Servia, at Vienna.
[Inclosure 4 in No.
Mr. Christitch to
Mr. Kasson.
Principality of Servia,
Legation in
Vienna, February 13,
Monsieur le Ministre: I have just received the
response of the minister for foreign affairs following the communication
of the contents of the note which you were pleased to address to me on
the 1st instant. The government sincerely regrets that the present
condition of our finances does not allow it to nominate its
representative near the United States of America; still, it indulges the
hope that the great and wealthy Republic will not for that reason be
less disposed to nominate its representative at Belgrade.
I avail myself, Monsieur le Ministre, of this fresh occasion to renew to
your excellency the assurances of my highest consideration.
His Excellency Mr. John A. Kasson,
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary
of the United States of America, &c., &c., &c., at