In answer to your telegram of the 24th instant, referring to certain
published statements alleged to have been made by the minister of
agriculture and commerce to the deputations from the Chambers of Commerce at
Havre and Bordeaux, I take pleasure in saying that after careful inquiry, I
am satisfied that the minister did not make the statements imputed to him.
What he did say was in substance the same as what appears in the report of
his remarks in the Chamber of Deputies herewith inclosed.
You can rest assured that I have neglected no opportunity to assert and
emphasize your views upon this question, and very powerful French influences
are operating to secure the revocation of the decree. There is unavoidable
delay, but I believe the result will be attained after a time.
[Inclosure in No. 475.]
Chamber of Deputies, Sitting of May 24,
Mr. Peulevey (Havre) asked to put a question to
the minister of agriculture and commerce, relative to the prohibition of
American salted meats. He explained that the maintenance of the decree
of prohibition caused a great prejudice to an important branch of French
commerce. For more than twenty-five years the laboring population had
contracted the habit of finding in these meats a healthful element of
alimentation. This situation has been overturned by a decree of
prohibition. It was charged that American salted meats contained live
trichinae; but it is necessary to know whether the fact is such, and, if
so, whether it offers a real danger. Only one case of trichinosis has
been established in France, and this was twenty-five years ago at
Crépy-en-Valois. But in meats salted for two or three months the
trichinae is dead; at any rate, cooking at 75° will kill it. American
salted meats are therefore without any danger, and there can be no
motives to maintain the decree of prohibition.
Mr. Lionville said that live trichinae were
found in salted and smoked meats.
Mr. Tirard, minister of commerce, replied that
numerous complaints had been made against the decree which the
government had been compelled to issue. With a view of giving
satisfaction to those who so complained, the government instituted a
bureau of verification which has been in operation since February. In
the beginning, when this service was not as yet well-organized, no
trichinæ were detected at Havre, but it has happened that the same lots
submitted to re-examination in Paris were found to contain trichinae in
great quantity. (Oh! Oh!) Since the Havre service has been reorganized,
it has detected trichinae in an important proportion of the meat
examined. It is asked if bad results have followed. But the first duty
of the government is to? prevent accidents. This is what it has done
with all due consideration to freedom of commerce. I can assure you,
gentlemen, that the government is continuing the examination of this
matter, not in a scientific point of view, for in this respect my
opinion is made. I have read all the discussions which have taken place
on this subject in France and abroad, and if Mr. Peulevey had seen all
the documents published, not only in Europe, but also in America, where
the decree of prohibition has created much excitement, he would have
found that the Americans themselves admitted that they had not taken the
necessary precautions against dangers which might attend their salted
The minister then quoted as supporting his views the report of British
commissioners to the United States, and said that the administration is
determined not to allow the free circulation of these dangerous
products, that it was trying to establish an effective system of
inspection, but that so long as it shall not be possible to organize
this system on a large scale, it will not take the responsibility of
revoking the decree of prohibition.
Mr. Peulevey. The minister has said that his
opinion was made; this is unquestionable.
[Page 411]
But upon what facts and documents has he made that
opinion? Evidently he must have come to it upon the reports of his
inspectors. Now do yon know what they have reported? At Bordeaux, of
1,500,000 kilograms of meats, they found only 21 pieces infected, which
represents a proportion 0.016 per cent. Why does not the minister adopt
the suggestion of creating a commission composed of competent men, to
which will be intrusted the duty of determining whether or not the small
proportion of trichinae found in the American porks is dangerous, after
remaining three months in salt. Under those conditions trichinae are
absolutely inoffensive, if slightly cooked. In your answer you have not
pointed out one single case of trichinosis; you have only opposed an
obstinate resistance to the desire of commerce, and I can add that you
have refused to enlighten us by means of a scientific commission.
Mr. Tirard replied that this scientific
commission exists, in the committee of hygiene, whose members have been
appointed by the President, that he can rely also upon the discussions
which have taken place at the academy of medicine. Of course there are
controversies upon the subject, but the government cannot wait until all
the physicians agree in this respect. Mr. Tirard then said that this
very morning he had received from Bordeaux the information that the day
before a notable quantity of trichinae had been detected in American
meats. He concluded as follows: As for the revoking of the decree, I
repeat that when it shall be found practicable to establish, not only at
Havre, but at other ports, and on the frontier, a very complete service
of inspection, giving all the necessary guarantees, I will be able to
propose to the President to revoke that decree, which has been issued, I
must say again, against my desire, and only to secure public health.