No. 207.
Mr. Dichman to Mr. Blaine.

No. 301.]

Sir: In further reference to my No. 237 of last December 24, bringing to your favorable notice the conduct of Lieut. H. R. Lemly, Third United States Artillery, in connection with the Military Academy of Colombia, I am pleased to be able to inform you, thanking you to transmit the information to the War Department, that, by his knowledge, tact, and devotion to duty, Lieutenant Lemly has secured the approval [Page 358] of the Colombian authorities and respect of this community to such an extent as to be advanced to the position of superintendent of the academy, officially styled “chief director of studies of the School of Civil and Military Engineering,” and that as a special mark of distinction this appointment has been accompanied by a decree conferring upon him the rank of colonel in the Colombian army.

A copy of the very complimentary note of the Colombian secretary of war, in which the above-mentioned appointment of Mr. Lemly is communicated to this legation, as well as a copy of my answer to the same, are respectfully inclosed.

* * * * * * *

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure 1 in No. 301.—Translation.]

Mr. Payan to Mr. Dichman.

Most Excellent Sir: I have the honor to inform your excellency that the executive power of the Union has been pleased to appoint Mr. H. R. Lemly, a citizen of the United States of America, director, chief of studies of the School of Civil and Military Engineering of the Republic, and likewise that the Government of Colombia will direct the issue to the said Mr. Lemly of the commission of colonel in the Colombian army.

The executive power has desired to manifest in this manner its gratitude to Mr. Lemly for his especial devotion to duty, and for the zeal and interest in favor of this country that he has shown in the discharge of the duties of the professorship in the School of Engineering, to which he was called by virtue of a contract.

The ability of Mr. Lemly and the elevation of his character have merited the especial consideration of the Government of Colombia, which believes it a duty to inform your excellency of the above, as the representative here of the government and people of the great republic.

I have, &c.,

Secretary of War and the Navy of the United States of Colombia.
[Inclosure 2 in No. 301.]

Mr. Dichman to Mr. Payan.

Sir: I have to thank you for your polite communication No. 3211 of the 14th instant, in which you are pleased to inform me that, in recognition of the devotion to duty, zeal, and interest manifested by Mr. H. R. Lemly, in his relations with the School of Civil and Military Engineering, the executive power of Colombia has seen fit to appoint him director of said school and confer upon him also the rank of colonel in the Colombian Guard.

As Mr. Lemly is an officer of the Army of the United States it will no doubt be gratifying to the honorable Secretary of War at Washington to learn of the well-merited appreciation and esteem which Mr. Lemly enjoys in Colombia, and the consideration and distinction which he has received from your hands, and I shall therefore take the first opportunity of transmitting a copy of your No. 3211, above mentioned, for the information of my government.

Be pleased, &c.,