In this proclamation President Nuñez recites the benefits which have been
secured for Colombia by him during his absence from the national capital.
The settlement of the dispute with Costa Rica, the calling of a meeting of
Spanish-American plenipotentiaries at Panama, the obtaining of a loan in the
United States and the maintenance of peace are the facts, with an account of
which the first half of the document is occupied, while the latter half is
devoted to an outline of the future policy of his administration, dwelling
with much emphasis upon the necessity for the utmost economy in the
expenditure of the public funds. * * *
From the measures which have already been taken in the last four days, it
would seem as though the promises of President Nuñez were intended to be
complied with. * * * Decrees have already been issued to reduce the army
from 5,000 to 3,500 men (it could stand a greater reduction); to declare
vacant all paid diplomatic and consular appointments on the first of July
next; * * * to provide for the reduction in the cash payment of all salaries
and pensions to a minimum, the balance to be paid in depreciated treasury
scrip; and to establish a national bank with a capital of $1,000,000, which
is to commence operations on the 1st of January next. What part this bank is
to perform in the regeneration of the country is as yet shrouded in mystery,
for as a question of financial policy the establishment of a national bank
is perhaps a mistake.
It is gratifying to be able to report to you, however, that with the return
of President Nuñez public confidence has been measurably restored, that the
country is at peace, and that the only threatening element for the future is
in the selection of the candidate for the next presidential term. Perhaps
President Nuñez would like to be his own successor,
[Page 343]
but as that is prohibited by the Colombian
constitution the influence of the national bank may be fully developed when
the reform of that instrument comes up for discussion during the next
session of the Colombian Congress.
[Inclosure in No. 235.]
After an absence of three months, which had for its principal object the
prompt recovery of apart of the national territory occupied de facto about the middle of last year by
authority of the Government of Costa Rica, I find myself again in the
capital of the Union, and the executive power, with the direction of
which I am charged, resumes its functions, therefore, as in regular and
ordinary circumstances.
The Government of Costa Rica in a spirit of fraternity and of justice,
certainly very worthy of praise and even of gratitude upon our part,
hastened to repair the momentary offense as soon as it was able to
comprehend that thus we considered the indiscreet act of its subordinate
agents. The temporary and confidential mission, so ably acquitted of its
obligation, that was charged with demanding the evacuation of our
territory, has been finally replaced by one which should effect, by
means of diplomatic discussion, a definite arrangement as to the
ordinary question of boundaries, which will be eventually submitted to
arbitration in accordance with the resolve of the senate of Colombia in
its last session.
Having promoted the celebration of a diplomatic conference for adoption
by the natives of Spanish America, of this principle of arbitration for
whatever controversy that may arise between them in fulfillment of what
is stipulated in a plan of convention between Colombia and Chili, the
constitutional sanction of which I expect, anticipating it by putting it
into practice with a country inferior in population and wealth to
Colombia, will be an eloquent proof of our cordial adhesion to this
humanitarian mode of formally resolving difficulties which are the cause
of countless misfortunes, when in order to decide them appeal is had to
The warlike preparation which the not-to-be-disregarded care of the
exterior security of the republic obliged us to make, having no object
now, the army has consequently been ordered reduced to a limit that at
this time seems indispensable for the strict maintenance of internal
peace without which all constitutional liberty is endangered, and no
improvement, however modest, is practicable.
My accidental residence in the states of the Atlantic afforded me the
occasion for intervening with prompt and happy results in the demand for
the execution of the revenues of the railroad de
facto and unadvisedly initiated by our old foreign creditors
when there was being negotiated in New York a loan, as an auxiliary
urgently necessary for the improvement of our credit and of our finances
in general, whose notorious and progressive prostration, the fruit of
errors which we should only recall as a lesson, is already seriously
threatening the entire mechanism of the public service, and compromising
also, in this manner, the preservation of order which cannot be
compatible with the paralysis, however partial, of administrative
The loan was finally negotiated, notwithstanding the obstacle presented
by said creditors, and the unfavorable coincidence that the commencement
of work upon the interoceanic canal was considered near at hand, which
would leave without effective value the clause of the contract with the
Panama Railroad Company concerning its prolongation. After six years of
repeated fruitless exertions the republic has succeeded in acquiring
this extraordinary resource, which will relieve without doubt our
financial condition, but in order to amply justify this costly draft
upon the future it is indispensable that we carefully apply its product
to operations of a reproductive character; and such is the firm purpose
of the government, since for ordinary expenditure it would not under any
circumstances have endeavored to obtain it.
There have been at the same time opportunely and effectively examined
other matters of public interest in the coast, which, although of
secondary importance, it was desirable to arrange in time, and with
direct knowledge of their respective details. Peace has been preserved
with the same stability in the midst of the numerous population of the
interior of the republic as in other parts of the country, and this
pleasing fact has been a great objective demonstration that there is
already established in the Colombian sentiment an odium for armed
resolutions, which, except in very rare cases, ever bring upon the
people evils much greater than those they seek to remedy, if they do not
involve them in awful ruin, without compensation of any kind.
[Page 344]
I now propose to continue the task undertaken to strengthen the spirit of
harmony by sustaining the practice of toleration, by the exact
fulfillment of constitutional and legal duties, and especially by an
impartiality, in which there shall not be the shadow of deception,
respecting the exercise of the right of suffrage. To Congress it will be
demonstrated that there is vital importance in making considerable
reduction in the estimate of expenses, in order to avoid social
disaster, which can scarcely be partially regulated by the employment of
combinations of credit and other accessory means. Whilst Congress
reconvenes and deliberates in the spirit indicated, as I promise it
shall, in view of what has occurred, the government will proceed with
the greatest moderation in the matter of expenses, deferring all that is
of minor importance; since it is not only convinced of the necessity,
more than commanding, of substantial economy, but that this is one of
the clearest demands of the national opinion, justly alarmed at this
time by the penury of the treasury.
This work of common salvation I could not have realized in that part of
my term already passed, nor can I succeed in effecting it during that
which remains without the co-operation of the country whose affairs it
is my duty to administer, in accordance with the solemn promise I gave
before God and Congress when I took possession of the Presidency of
Colombia. Long ago I expressed the conviction, not only of the
inconvenience but of the impossibility of governments of monopoly, and
to-day more than ever I find motives to preserve this conviction. The
logic of interest, which so greatly dwarfs politics, is as inexorable as
any other logic, and in the rigid domination of military prejudices it
fatally exalts itself above the apparent causes of the decomposition of
great parties. When these are again divided by the true necessities of
principles, instead of diminishing, they increase each day the groups
that these principles proclaim with the continued accession of strength,
which might have until then appeared antagonistic. It is very evident
that important and inevitable influences may oblige one who governs to
abandon the most mighty and best considered of his purposes; but, so far
as I am concerned, I can assure the nation that according as
circumstances clearly determine or permit the direct departures from the
fundamental rule that are possible shall be corrected, since the first
aspiration of a government that thoroughly comprehends its entire
responsibility should be the desire to secure the greatest sum of public
confidence by means of acts which are in reality capable of inspiring
Bogotá, December 10,