No. 187.
Chen Lan Pin to Mr. Evarts.

Sir: Referring to an interview which I had with your excellency on the 5th instant and in which the recent disturbances at Denver, Colo., were mentioned, I have now the honor to state that I have just received advices from some of the Chinese residents of Denver, which show that the affair was of a very serious character 5 that many of the Chinese were imprisoned in jail for their protection; that several were wounded, and one killed. The property destroyed by the mob is estimated to be from $20,000, to $30,000 in value.

As you kindly promised an investigation of the matter, I will ask that the Government of the United States extend its protection to the Chinese in Denver, and see that the guilty persons are arrested and punished, and it would seem to be just that the owners of the property wantonly destroyed shall in some way be compensated for their losses.

The Chinese in Denver went there under treaty stipulations and engaged in labor and trade, but now unfortunately they are subjected to such persecutions that they cannot peacefully labor, and the destruction of their property has interrupted the prosecution of their business. How this unhappy condition of affairs shall be amended, the Chinese be protected and such occurrences prevented in the future, the general government and the local authorities must decide.

Accept, sir, the renewed assurance of my high consideration.